Therapy shouldn't feel like a mysterious process, but from experience we know that it often does. Our aim is to take the 'clinical' out of Clinical Psychology, working closely with our clients of all ages to develop effective person centred treatment plans. We utilise only evidence based (i.e. scientifically proven), therapies individualised to you and/or your child's specific and unique needs.
We don't just take a guess at what's going on with our clients! We utilise highly valid and reliable assessment scales, in addition to thorough clinical interview and history taking to clarify exactly why you've come to therapy and how we can best help. This always involves identification of your strengths as well as the areas yourself or your child are finding tough. We are highly qualified and experienced in providing accurate Diagnosis that informs treatment.
As they say, it takes a village, and we know that for the best client outcomes it's important that we can link you in with other medical and allied health professionals. As such, over the years we have developed strong working relationships with others that are exceptional in their areas of expertise. This includes Psychiatrists, Paediatricians, GP's, social services, etc. We openly discuss all options with our clients so that we can provide you with the best multidisciplinary support.